In the picture
European Parliamentary TA network The IST is member of the EPTA network; read more about Parliamentary TA in Europe. 'PACITA' Find out more about this project financed under the 7th Seventh Framework Programme (FP7),which focuses on sharing knowledge, experience and reflection concerning parliamentary TA-practices.
'IST Trend Watch' This document presents nine relevant trends situated at the interface of society, technology and science and having a societal impact on Flemish areas of competence.
On this site

As announced by the Flemish Parliament in October 2011, the Institute Society & Technology (IST) ceases to exist in its current form in 2013. In July 2012 the Flemish Government decided that the Technology Assessment research function of IST will be incorporated in the activities of the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO). The researchers that presently work at IST are offered the opportunity to work in a similar function for VITO. Read more (in Flemish)
PACITA; first TA conference, Prague 2013. Call for contributions....Read more…
New IST report IST report about digital devide and digital inclusion’... …