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Technology assessment


What opportunities are being offered by new technologies? And what might be the eventual risks? What are the consequences of a new technology, from an ethical, medical, socio-economic, cultural, ecological, etc. perspective? What opinions does the public at large have on a certain new technology? How can the adoption of a new technology be optimized in order to produce a maximum benefit for society?

Scientific and technological developments sometimes raise more questions than they answer. The institute Society and Technology attempts to provide answers and to interpret the developments, for the benefit of society and our policy makers… That is what we call ‘technology assessment’.

Modern TA research takes into account all perspectives of all actors involved: not only experts but also businesses, environmental and consumer organizations, public authorities and citizens. By doing so, not only those who actively take part in the development and implementation of a new technology are being heard, but also those who will have to undergo its consequences. This far-reaching participation yields better results and recommendations… That is what we call ‘participatory technology assessment’.

Participatory technology assessment:

  • contributes to the constitution of a public and political opinion;
  • creates new knowledge on the interface between science, technology and society;
  • is aimed at gathering information and provide the public and the authorities with advise; 
  • is generally future-oriented. 

Technology assessment, in other words, is based on three important pillars: map out the available information that is relevant for the decision-making process; start a constructive dialogue with all parties involved (experts, stakeholders, public, and politicians); support the policymaking by supplying information and advise.