The E-dinges Awards are organised on the 18th of November 2010 and will reward projects from Flemish organisations such as neighbourhood associations, local authorities, libraries, research institutes, schools, companies,... that aim to reduce the digital divide in an original and inventive way. The E-dinges Awards are an initiative of the IST, in close collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT) and Vlaams Steunpunt Nieuwe Geletterdheid (VSNG/LINC - Flemish Centre New Literacy).
Organisations can send in the E-dinges awards application forms until the 26th of April. Then, a jury will select a shortlist of 10 projects. From this shortlist, three winners of the award will be chosen and pronounced during the E-dinges awards event.
The E-dinges Awards are part of the 3-day technology event "E-dinges". E-dinges wants to demonstrate a variety of aspects of the digital society: new ICT developments, scientific insights, practical witnesses and reflections on the societal impact of ICT in the near and not so near future in Flanders, and Flemish e-inclusion initiatives that offer a pleasant and meaningful use of ICT applications. More information on the E-dinges Awards can be found here (link, Dutch).