IST Work Programme 2010
This Working program 2010 describes the research projects that the IST initiated in the course of 2010. The Scientific secretariat has put this working program together, on the basis of an analysis of current trends at the interface of society and technology (Document 62 (2009-2010) -Nr. 1 trend note Institute Society and Technology). When determining the policy relevance, we have been taking into account the start of a new term for the legislative power. That new beginning will be characterized by new policy options, which will to a large degree also determine the agenda of the Flemish parliament. By doing so, the IST tries to come to a selection of projects presenting a connection with the subjects that will be under discussion in the Flemish parliament in the years to come. At the same time, the new projects constitute a balanced mix of desk research and more encompassing participatory projects, short- and long-term research, etc. As far as the output is concerned, we both deliver reports and other documents and organize events. The Board of Administrators approved the Working program during its meeting of 3 March 2010. At the same time, the Board decided that in carrying out the Working program 2010, priority will be given to specific missions the IST might be made responsible for by the Flemish Parliament